
It’s Crunch Time

So. you’ve studied all there is to study. You’ve got a good handle on the information. You’ve spent plenty of time on practice tests and you think you’re ready for the real deal. What now? Well, it’s time for the actual exam. But what exactly is involved in taking the exam? What do I need? Who do I contact? Where do I go? Well worry not. Your day of testing will soon arrive.

First Thing’s First
Your first step in preparing for your exam should be to head on over to the FCC’s COmmission REgistration System (CORES) website. Here, you will register for your FCC account and obtain your FCC Registration Number (commonly referred to as an FRN). This is an important step. Without an FRN, the FCC won’t be able to process your exam results. Also, when registering, be sure to have a valid, working email address. Should the FCC ever need to contact you regarding your license, this is how they do it. Don’t worry…they won’t sell your information, and will only contact you if it’s important.

Contact Us
Many, many years ago, individuals who wanted to take their license exams would have to locate the nearest FCC Field Office, set up an appointment with the testing branch, and then travel to that location for the exam. In some cases, this could be hundreds of miles away. Today, the FCC utilizes Volunteer Examiners (VEs). Volunteer Examiners are amateur radio operators of General class or higher who have been authorized to administer license exams. The benefit of using VEs is that the testing can now be done usually locally. And the best part…The Iola Amateur Radio Club has several Volunteer Examiners as members!! When you’re ready for the exam, simply Contact Us, and we’ll be more than happy to schedule a time that is convenient for you. You’ll also be told what you’ll need the day of the test and how much, if any, fees you’ll need for the exam.

Day of the Exam
Well, you’ve done the studying, gone through multiple practice exams, and now the day of your exam arrives. You’re ready. You should have a few things with you when you arrive: a copy of your FRN (you did do that already, right?), a valid driver’s license or other form of identification, and any Certificates of Successful Completion of Exams (CSEC) you might be issued or in the case of upgrading, a copy of your current license. Also be sure to bring any fees that might be required by the Volunteer Examiners. The VEs will take all of this information and fill out the necessary forms for you to begin your exam. Keep in mind, no cellphones, tablets, headphones or any other electronic devices are permitted during the exam. You may have use of a calculator and/or scratch paper may be used to work out any math problems encountered during the exam.

Taking the Exam
Once all the forms have been completed and your information has been verified, it is time to take the exam. The VEs will give you instructions for what is expected during the exam, so please follow these instructions. Once you’re ready to begin, the VEs will distribute to you both an answer sheet and an examination booklet. The examination booklet is just that: it contains all the necessary questions for the exam. DO NOT write your answers in the exam booklet. Use the answer sheet. Each question is multiple choice, so choose the best answer that fits the question. A few tips about taking the exam. Most importantly, RELAX. Taking an exam can be a stressful time for many. Just remember to relax and BREATHE. There’s generally no time limit so take as long as you think you need. There are no bonus points for finishing the exam quickly. Read each question thoroughly. While the questions are not designed to be tricky, misreading one could cause you to answer the question incorrectly. Remember, the questions you read in the study materials and practice exams are EXACTLY the same as on the exam. Finally, look at your VEs. All of them were in the same position as you are at one time. They studied, practiced and took an exam similar to yours, so if they could do it, so can you.

Finishing the Exam
OK, you’ve answered all the questions, double-checked your work and you’re ready to finish.  Now all that’s left is to grade the exam.  You’ll hand in BOTH the exam booklet and your completed answer sheet to the Volunteer Examiners.  From there, just sit back and relax.  Each Volunteer Examiner will go over your answers comparing them to the answer key.  Once the Volunteer Examiners have completed grading the exam, you’ll get your results.  Right on the spot!!  What happens next depends on your results.


License Classes

Getting Started

What Next

Quick Information

We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Colony Christian Church in Colony Kansas. Visitors of all ages welcome.

We conduct testing for all Amateur Radio license classes by prior arrangement. Connect with us via the Contact page or contact any of our club officers to arrange time and place.