- Steve, Doug, Dale, Gale, Jeremy, Bruce, Flint, Chase, and Jessica were present
- Bruce becomes a paid member
- August Minutes read
- Gale gives treasures report- Total funds $402.43 Cash $70
- Doug reports on Farm City days – We will set up at the end of east street.
- We will setup HF
- 19th of October 8am-4pm
- Jeremy will bring battery
- Gale has handouts
- Steve will make a club-specific handout
- Repeater- Steve reports that the cost of getting on the county tower is cost prohibitive
- the option of putting the tower on Chase Rebels house was discussed
- Objectives would be:
- Solar power,
- base for antenna
- Steve agreed to provide a tower
- Jeremy offered $200 in funding for the project
- Chase also offered $200 toward the project
- Bruce and others offered labor and time
- The club voted yes on pursuing putting the repeater tower on Riebel’s land and everyone is excited about having a permanent location for the repeater
- Meeting adjourned
Minutes taken by Chase Riebel, KF0GFE – Club Secretary
Minutes accepted during October meeting